Monday, July 26, 2010

C# Specializations by Traits IV

C# Specializations by Traits IV


In last three blogs (I'm productive these days in blogs, instead of klocs) I explained how to to specializations in C#. This blog only explains how it begon, give different possibilities to design things, and wraps it up.

Towards specializations

Developing Boost.Geometry, in C++, and doing some more C# this year as well, I wondered how a generic geometry library in C# would look like. Ideally it would be as Boost.Geometry, of course... But Boost.Geometry is based on traits and C++ specializations, partial specializations, tag dispatching. All modern C++ generic programming stuff. Not easily doable in C#.

Calculating the distance between two arbitrary point types would already be something. I tried many methods, and discussed them with my collegue Paul den Dulk, and he helped me, suggesting more methods and some essential pieces. Putting it together, adding the dictionary as the runtime register instead of the compiletime C++ specializations, the point distance function is looking exactly the same as Boost.Geometry now!

Some notes

There are still many differences from this system with C++ specializations, of course.
  • in C++ it is compile-time and checked at compile-time
  • therefore in C++ it is very fast
  • in C# the dictionary is runtime and checked at runtime
  • because the dictionary lookup and necesary cast it is slower in C#
  • C++ has partial specializations, don't know (yet) how to do that in C#
  • C++ has type calculations, the whole template metaprogramming is based on that. 
  • in C# it is only the methods
  • because in C# it is runtime, it gives some advantages as well: you can register different traits classes when needed
  • and so, e.g. the ORM can handle the same model in different ways


As said the dictionary consultation, together with the cast, take some time. Using the geometry case distance, I timed it and it is certainly measurable.

Ten million distance calculations on my computer:
  • Using interfaces: 0.10 seconds
  • Using delegates: 0.15 seconds
  • Using traits: 0.13 seconds
  • Using a register: 0.42 seconds
So, in fact 4 times slower. It is much in this case, but this is compared to a small calculation (Pythagoras). If applied using GUI, database, disk io, or occasionally (and not 10 million times), the lookup will probably fall away.

Complete program

The program to research, with 10 possible implementations, with interfaces, wrappers, delegates, traits, registers and lambdas, is shown below.

using System;
using System.Diagnostics;

using System.Collections.Generic;

namespace GenericGeometry
    interface IPoint
        double x();
        double y();
        void increase();

    delegate double get_x<Point>(Point p);
    delegate double get_y<Point>(Point p);

    public interface ITraitsBase {}

    public interface ITraits<Point> : ITraitsBase
        double get_x(Point p);
        double get_y(Point p);

    class TraitsRegister
        public static IDictionary<Type, ITraitsBase> register;

        public static void Register<PointType>(ITraits<PointType> t)
            if (register == null)
                register = new Dictionary<Type, ITraitsBase>();
            register[typeof(PointType)] = t;

    class LambdaRegister
        public static IDictionary<Type, Tuple<object, object>> register;

        public static void Register<Point>(get_x<Point> gx, get_y<Point> gy)
            if (register == null)
                register = new Dictionary<Type, Tuple<object, object>>();
            register[typeof(Point)] = new Tuple<object, object>(gx, gy);

    // The generic library, with functions as "Distance", working on IPoint or on any point
    class Algorithm
        // (1) Using an interface to access coordinates
        public static double Distance(IPoint p1, IPoint p2)
            double dx = p1.x() - p2.x();
            double dy = p1.y() - p2.y();
            return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        // (7) use delegates to access coordinates of not interfaced point type
        public static double Distance<Point>(Point p1, Point p2,
            get_x<Point> gx,
            get_y<Point> gy)
            double dx = gx(p1) - gx(p2);
            double dy = gy(p1) - gy(p2);
            return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        // (8) use traits/accessor to access coordinates of not interfaced point type
        public static double Distance<Point>(Point p1, Point p2, ITraits<Point> traits)
            double dx = traits.get_x(p1) - traits.get_x(p2);
            double dy = traits.get_y(p1) - traits.get_y(p2);
            return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        // (9) use traits/REGISTER accessor to access coordinates of not interfaced point type
        public static double DistanceTR<Point>(Point p1, Point p2)
            ITraits<Point> traits = TraitsRegister.register[typeof(Point)] as ITraits<Point>;
            double dx = traits.get_x(p1) - traits.get_x(p2);
            double dy = traits.get_y(p1) - traits.get_y(p2);
            return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

        // (10) use (tupled) lambda/REGISTER accessor to access coordinates of not interfaced point type
        public static double DistanceLR<Point>(Point p1, Point p2)
            var pair = LambdaRegister.register[typeof(Point)] as Tuple<object, object>;
            get_x<Point> gx = pair.Item1 as get_x<Point>;
            get_y<Point> gy = pair.Item2 as get_y<Point>;
            double dx = gx(p1) - gx(p2);
            double dy = gy(p1) - gy(p2);
            return Math.Sqrt(dx * dx + dy * dy);

    // (1) implement IPoint
    class MyPoint1 : IPoint
        private double m_x, m_y;
        public MyPoint1(double x, double y)
            m_x = x;
            m_y = y;
        public double x() { return m_x; }
        public double y() { return m_y; }

    // Non-interfaced class...
    class MyPoint2
        public double x { get; set; }
        public double y { get; set; }

    // (2) Create a wrapper (implementing IPoint)
    class PointWrapper : IPoint
        MyPoint2 m_point;
        public PointWrapper(MyPoint2 p)
            m_point = p;

        public double x() { return m_point.x; }
        public double y() { return m_point.y; }

    // (3) Create a generic wrapper using delegates, implementing IPoint
    class DelPointWrapper<Point> : IPoint
        Point m_point;
        get_x<Point> m_gx;
        get_y<Point> m_gy;

        public DelPointWrapper(Point p, get_x<Point> gx, get_y<Point> gy)
            m_point = p;
            m_gx = gx;
            m_gy = gy;

        public double x() { return m_gx(m_point); }
        public double y() { return m_gy(m_point); }

        public void increase()
            //m_x += 0.000001;
            //m_y += 0.000001;


    // (7) define delegates in a static class
    static class Accessor
        public static get_x<MyPoint2> getX = p => p.x;
        public static get_y<MyPoint2> getY = p => p.y;

    // (8,9) use a sort of Traits class
    class Traits : ITraits<MyPoint2>
        public double get_x(MyPoint2 p)
            return p.x;
        public double get_y(MyPoint2 p)
            return p.y;

    class Program
        const int n = 10000000;

        static void Timed<Point>(String header, Point a, Point b) where Point : IPoint
            double d = 0.0;
            Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
            for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                d += Algorithm.Distance(a, b);
            System.Console.WriteLine(header + " " + d + " " + st.Elapsed.ToString());


        // Creating the delegates
        static double point_get_x(MyPoint2 p)
            return p.x;
        static double point_get_y(MyPoint2 p)
            return p.y;

        static void Main(string[] args)

            int option = args.Length > 0 ? Int32.Parse(args[0]) : 10;
            System.Console.Write("{0} ", option);

            // Point without interface
            MyPoint2 p1 = new MyPoint2();
            p1.x = 3;
            p1.y = 5;
            MyPoint2 p2 = new MyPoint2();
            p2.x = 6;
            p2.y = 9;

            switch (option)
                case 1:
                      // Option 1, point with interface
                      MyPoint1 ip1 = new MyPoint1(3, 5);
                      MyPoint1 ip2 = new MyPoint1(6, 9);
                      Timed("Using interface", ip1, ip2);
                    } break;
                case 2:
                      // Option 2a:
                      PointWrapper pw1 = new PointWrapper(p1);
                      PointWrapper pw2 = new PointWrapper(p2);
                      Timed("Using wrapper", pw1, pw2);
                    } break;
                case 3:
                      // Option 2b:
                      DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2> dpw1 = new DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2>(p1, point_get_x, point_get_y);
                      DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2> dpw2 = new DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2>(p2, point_get_x, point_get_y);
                      Timed("Using delegate-wrapper", dpw1, dpw2);
                    } break;
                case 4:
                      // Option 2c: with inline delegates
                      DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2> idpw1 = new DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2>(p1
                      , delegate(MyPoint2 p) { return p.x; }
                      , delegate(MyPoint2 p) { return p.y; }
                      DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2> idpw2 = new DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2>(p2
                      , delegate(MyPoint2 p) { return p.x; }
                      , delegate(MyPoint2 p) { return p.y; }
                      Timed("Using inline delegate-wrapper", idpw1, idpw2);
                    } break;
                case 5:
                      DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2> ldpw1 = new DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2>(p1, p => p.x, p => p.y);
                      DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2> ldpw2 = new DelPointWrapper<MyPoint2>(p2, p => p.x, p => p.y);
                      Timed("Using lambda-wrapper", ldpw1, ldpw2);
                    } break;
                case 6:
                      double d = 0.0;
                      Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      d += Algorithm.Distance(p1, p2, p => p.x, p => p.y);
                      System.Console.WriteLine("Using delegate-algorithm+lambda " + d + " " + st.Elapsed.ToString());
                    } break;
                case 7:
                      double d = 0.0;
                      Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      d += Algorithm.Distance(p1, p2, Accessor.getX, Accessor.getY);
                      System.Console.WriteLine("Using accessor met static delegates " + d + " " + st.Elapsed.ToString());
                    } break;
                case 8:
                      Traits traits = new Traits();

                      double d = 0.0;
                      Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      d += Algorithm.Distance(p1, p2, traits);
                      System.Console.WriteLine("Using traits " + d + " " + st.Elapsed.ToString());
                    } break;
                case 9:
                      Traits traits = new Traits();

                      double d = 0.0;
                      Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      d += Algorithm.DistanceTR(p1, p2);
                      System.Console.WriteLine("Using traits/register " + d + " " + st.Elapsed.ToString());
                    } break;
                case 10:
                      LambdaRegister.Register<MyPoint2>(p => p.x, p => p.y);

                      double d = 0.0;
                      Stopwatch st = new Stopwatch();
                      for (int i = 0; i < n; i++)
                      d += Algorithm.DistanceLR(p1, p2);
                      System.Console.WriteLine("Using lamba/register " + d + " " + st.Elapsed.ToString());
                    } break;


And here are the complete timings (for each the smallest of 5 runs):
1 Using interface 50000000 00:00:00.1000114
2 Using wrapper 50000000 00:00:00.1055539
3 Using delegate-wrapper 50000000 00:00:00.1812642
4 Using inline delegate-wrapper 50000000 00:00:00.1843941
5 Using lambda-wrapper 50000000 00:00:00.1810666
6 Using delegate-algorithm+lambda 50000000 00:00:00.1509385
7 Using accessor met static delegates 50000000 00:00:00.1274787
8 Using traits 50000000 00:00:00.1327729
9 Using traits/register 50000000 00:00:00.4192440
10 Using lamba/register 50000000 00:00:00.4194542


Are already done. Specializations in C# are possible. Use them, it makes C# and generics more fun.